
Midwifery is a healthcare profession focused on providing care to women throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
They provide prenatal care, educate expectant mothers on pregnancy and childbirth, and offer postpartum care. Midwifery is centered on empowering women, promoting a holistic approach to maternal health, and ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby during the entire birthing process.

Midwifery services we offer:
Bespoke pregnancy, birth and postpartum consults.
An opportunity to learn, grow and plan your journey to parenthood. These sessions are a fantastic place to start you are looking for preconception, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum planning and education.
These bespoke, highly individualised sessions are a great opportunity for mums and their partner or chosen birth companion to ask questions, understand the maternity and obstetric systems, gain access to resources and seek guidance on how to approach their pregnancy, birth or postpartum journey. Melissa will help you find the right care provider for you and your needs, she can help you create a highly comprehensive birth map and answer all your burning questions and wonderings about the pregnancy, birth and parenting process.

90 minute consult: $189.00

Birth Processing and Unravelling.
Do you feel overwhelmed by your birth journey and feel like you have some unanswered questions about the birth of your bub and the pathway your birth took? In this session, Melissa will walk back through your birth with you, unpacking and acknowledging all the moments that feel significant to your journey and work towards finding answers together with the use of evidence based tools and trauma-informed somatic practices that will also create safety back into your body.

90 minute consult: $189.00

Acuneedling: needling by a midwife.
Acuneedling is acupuncture that is performed by a midwifefor specific, pregnancy, birth and postpartum symptoms and discomforts.
Acuneedling during pregnancy can help with a range of discomforts, aches and pains and also help to settle your mind, promoting a deeper level of grounding and calm through your body as you prepare for labour and birth. Acuneedling can also be used to help activate labour.

Symptoms and discomforts you might seek acuneedling help with:

- Nausea
- Heartburn
- Hip, back, symphysis pubis and sciatica pain
- Constipation
- Insomnia
- Haemorrhoids
- Thrush
- Anaemia
- Restless legs
- Pregnancy induced hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
- Swelling
- Baby in a breech or posterior position.
- Threatened miscarriage
- Foetal Growth Restriction and blood flow to the placenta.

After birth, acuneedling can help to support and restore your body back to optimal health and wellbeing.
This may look like:
- Assisting to repair muscles and fascia
- Supporting mum’s nervous system and vital Qi by providing some much needed relaxation and reconnection to self.
- Assist with early signs of engorgement and mastitis
- Caesarean scar tissue healing.
Treatments can start as early as 10-14 days after a vaginal birth and 3-4 weeks after a caesarean birth.

Weekly treatments from 37 weeks gestation is highly recommended

Initial 75 minute consult: $130
Follow up 45 minute consult: $85