Pelvic Health

Pelvic health and issues related to the pelvic floor vary widely among individuals. While some may encounter discomfort in the back, hips, coccyx, or genital area, others may grapple with concerns like mild bladder leakage or frequent urges to use the restroom. Certain individuals may face challenges such as constipation, symptoms of prolapse, discomfort with vaginal penetration, menstrual pain, or sexual dysfunction. Navigating the healthcare system can be daunting, making it difficult to determine the right professional to consult. Unfortunately, many endure their struggles in silence, feeling either embarrassed or unsure about where to seek assistance.

At Yarra Valley Women’s Health our osteopaths are here to support you every step of the way through your pelvic health journey.

  • -Light bladder leakage

    -Bladder and bowel urgency

    -Fecal incontinente


    -Pelvic organ prolapse

    -Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy

    -Birth preparation



    -Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis

    -Chronic pelvic pain associated with endometriosis/adenomyosis/dysmenorrhea/PMS


    -Pudendal neuralgia